Rabu, 25 November 2009

Subyek : Result Of Investigation Albani Company’s Background

Milan, October 5 2009

To : Mr. Ioannou

Subyek : Result Of Investigation Albani Company’s Background

Dear sir,

Here is the result after investigated of Albani company’s background. As far as I can see Albani unlikely to be taken over. At present there is no need for concern their’s family. I can assure you they do not appear short of capital. No reason why you cannot continue trading. If I hear anything to the contrary I will contract you.

ubyek : Result Of Investigation Albani Company’s Back

Yours Faithfully


Subyek : Result Of Investigation Albani Company’s Background

Milan, October 5 2009

To : Mr. Ioannou

Subyek : Result Of Investigation Albani Company’s Background

Dear sir,

Here is the result after investigated of Albani company’s background. As far as I can see Albani unlikely to be taken over. At present there is no need for concern their’s family. I can assure you they do not appear short of capital. No reason why you cannot continue trading. If I hear anything to the contrary I will contract you.

ubyek : Result Of Investigation Albani Company’s Back

Yours Faithfull

wanda maulina

tugas hal: 13

tugas hal: 13

A3 Practise making an enquiry and booking accommodation

Read this letter.

dear Sir,

I would like to reserve a conference room

For the dates 18th to the 26th.

I need a large room as there are 30 people attending the conference

And I will need to have electric sockets for an overhead projector and a screen.

Could you please to have confirmation that there will be buffet fasilties.

Yours faithfully,

wanda maulina ariani

tugas hal: 15 B3 Describing a location

Nama : Wanda Maulina Ariani
Klas : 2eb13
Npm : 21207153
tugas hal: 15

B3 Describing a location

study the following paragraph :


The Irish cotton mill is in Wexford. it is situated in area which is scheduled for light industry, 112 km south of Dablin amd 32 km east of Waterford.

The Kenna safari park is in Kitale. it is situsted in area which scheduled for conservation, 320 km north of Nairobi and 120 east of Kisumu.

The Norwegian hotel is in Alesund. it is situated in area which scheduled for tourism, 200 km south of Trondheim and 320 weast of oslo.

The Scottish sport complex is in Aviemore. it is situated in area which is scheduled for leisure and recreation, 175 km north of Glasgow and 48 km south of Inverness.

The Japanish steel factory is in Nagoya. it is situated in area which scheduled for heavy industry, 180 km east of Osaka and 200 weast of Tokyo.

The Spanish Art Gallery is in Cordoba. it is situated in area which scheduled for Cultural Activities, 200 km north of Malaga and 150 east of Seville.

The Turkish warehause is in Izmir. it is situated in area which scheduled for General industry use, 500 km south of Istanbul and 750 weast of Ankara.

The Canadian Nature park is Dog Creek. it is situated in area which scheduled for preservation, 400 km north of Vancouver and 150 east of Saskatchewan.

Diposkan oleh aniz di 02:26

tugas hal : 13 B1. Active and Pasive Voice

tugas hal : 13

B1. Active and Pasive Voice




You have not paid your bill


Your bill has not been paid


I will pick him up at 7 am


He will be picked up at 07.00 hrs


The board show any immediate interest


Nu immediate interest was ahown by the board


We cannit find any record of this account


No record of this account can be fund


We will have to make salary cuts and shorten holiday


Salary cuts will have to be made and holidays shortened.


We have made a mistake and incurred a loss


A mistake has been made and loss incurred


You have over drawn your account to the extent of £ 187

We have made arrangement to have a statemwnt forwaded to you so that your exact position can be checked forward a statement


Your account has been overdrawn to the extent of £187. Arrangements have been made to have a statement forwaded to you so that your exact position can be checked



C1. A confidential credit rating report

Company 'A' has been a supplier for 12 years and has supplied goods on monthly credit to a limit $20,000. They report that the agreed terms are sometimes exceeded without prior arrangements.

Company 'B' has been a supplier for 5 years and has supplied goods on 60 days credit to a limit of $10,000. They report that the agreed experiencing temporary cash flow problems.

Company 'C' has been supplier for 2 years and has supplied goods on 90 days credit of $3,000. They report that the agreed recently terms are exceeded-supplies however had to be stopped.

Company 'D' has been supplier for 9 months and has supplied goods on 30 days credit of $ 2,000. They report that has been supplier hotel normally pays after second reminder.
0 comments View Entry

Rabu, 18 November 2009

Title: An informal letter of congratulation from Bussiness English book page 32

Title: An informal letter of congratulation from Bussiness English book page 32
Blog Entry: A3. An informal letter of congratulation, taken from "Bussiness Communication" page 32 part e Write a letter or telex to each of the people shown in the list bellow. e . A college friend who has just had a first baby, a daughter. Answer :

Dear :Aditya Hello friend how are you? I was very happy heard the splendid news about you.congratulation! you has just a first baby.I hope you will become a good parent for take care of your family.I also hope your daughter will become a good child for her parent and become a pious child for her family. It is a great pity that I'm going to the Bandung for one weeks but I give you baby's clothes when I get back, However, all the very best wishes for ou and your baby.

Yours very sincerely


Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009



Koperasi sebagai suatu sistem ekonomi, mempunyai kedudukan (politik) yang cukup kuat karena memiliki dasar konstitusional, yaitu berpegang pada Pasal 33 UUD 1945, khususnya Ayat 1 yang menyebutkan bahwa ?Perekonomian disusun sebagai usaha bersama berdasar atas asas kekeluargaan?. Dalam Penjelasan UUD 1945 itu dikatakan bahwa bangun usaha yang paling cocok dengan asas kekeluargaan itu adalah Koperasi.
Tafsiran itu sering pula dikemukakan oleh Mohammad Hatta, yang sering disebut sebagai perumus pasal tersebut. Pada Penjelasan konstitusi tersebut juga dikatakan, bahwa sistem ekonomi Indonesia didasarkan pada asas Demokrasi Ekonomi, di mana produksi dilakukan oleh semua dan untuk semua yang wujudnya dapat ditafsirkan sebagai Koperasi.Dalam wacana sistem ekonomi dunia, Koperasi disebut juga sebagai the third way, atau ?jalan ketiga?, istilah yang akhir-akhir ini dipopulerkan oleh sosiolog Inggris, Anthony Giddens, yaitu sebagai ?jalan tengah? antara kapitalisme dan sosialisme.
Koperasi diperkenalkan di Indonesia oleh R. Aria Wiriatmadja di Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah pada tahun 1896. Ia mendirikan Koperasi kredit dengan tujuan membantu rakyatnya yang terjerat hutang dengan rentenir. R. Aria Wiriatmadja atau Tirto Adisuryo, yang kemudian dibantu pengembangannya oleh pejabat Belanda dan akhirnya menjadi program resmi pemerintah. Seorang pejabat pemerintah Belanda, yang kemudian menjadi sarjana ekonomi, Booke, juga menaruh perhatian terhadap Koperasi. Atas dasar tesisnya, tentang dualisme sosial budaya masyarakat Indonesia antara sektor modern dan sektor tradisional, ia berkesimpulan bahwa sistem usaha Koperasi lebih cocok bagi kaum pribumi daripada bentuk badan-badan usaha kapitalis. Pandangan ini agaknya disetujui oleh pemerintah Hindia Belanda sehingga pemerintah kolonial itu mengadopsi kebijakan pembinaan Koperasi.Meski Koperasi tersebut berkembang pesat hingga tahun 1933-an, pemerintah Kolonial Belanda khawatir Koperasi akan dijadikan tempat pusat perlawanan, namun Koperasi menjamur kembali hingga pada masa pendudukan Jepang dan kemerdekaan. Pada tanggal 12 Juli 1947, pergerakan Koperasi di Indonesia mengadakan Kongres Koperasi yang pertama di Tasikmalaya. Hari ini kemudian ditetapkan sebagai Hari Koperasi Indonesia.Bung Hatta meneruskan tradisi pemikiran ekonomi sebelumnya. Ketertarikannya kepada sistem Koperasi agaknya adalah karena pengaruh kunjungannya ke negara-negara Skandinavia, khususnya Denmark, pada akhir tahun 1930-an.
Walaupun ia sering mengaitkan Koperasi dengan nilai dan lembaga tradisional gotong-royong, namun persepsinya tentang Koperasi adalah sebuah organisasi ekonomi modern yang berkembang di Eropa Barat. Ia pernah juga membedakan antara ?Koperasi sosial? yang berdasarkan asas gotong royong, dengan ?Koperasi ekonomi? yang berdasarkan asas-asas ekonomi pasar yang rasional dan kompetitif.Bagi Bung Hatta, Koperasi bukanlah sebuah lembaga yang antipasar atau nonpasar dalam masyarakat tradisional. Koperasi, baginya adalah sebuah lembaga self-help lapisan masyarakat yang lemah atau rakyat kecil untuk bisa mengendalikan pasar.
Karena itu Koperasi harus bisa bekerja dalam sistem pasar, dengan cara menerapkan prinsip efisiensi. Koperasi juga bukan sebuah komunitas tertutup, tetapi terbuka, dengan melayani non-anggota, walaupun dengan maksud untuk menarik mereka menjadi anggota Koperasi, setelah merasakan manfaat berhubungan dengan Koperasi. Dengan cara itulah sistem Koperasi akan mentransformasikan sistem ekonomi kapitalis yang tidak ramah terhadap pelaku ekonomi kecil melalui persaingan bebas (kompetisi), menjadi sistem yang lebih bersandar kepada kerja sama atau Koperasi, tanpa menghancurkan pasar yang kompetitif itu sendiri.
Dewasa ini, di dunia ada dua macam model Koperasi. Pertama, adalah Koperasi yang dibina oleh pemerintah dalam kerangka sistem sosialis. Kedua, adalah Koperasi yang dibiarkan berkembang di pasar oleh masyarakat sendiri, tanpa bantuan pemerintah. Jika badan usaha milik negara merupakan usaha skala besar, maka Koperasi mewadahi usaha-usaha kecil, walaupun jika telah bergabung dalam Koperasi menjadi badan usaha skala besar juga. Di negara-negara kapitalis, baik di Eropa Barat, Amerika Utara dan Australia, Koperasi juga menjadi wadah usaha kecil dan konsumen berpendapatan rendah.
Di Jepang, Koperasi telah menjadi wadah perekonomian pedesaan yang berbasis pertanian.Di Indonesia, Bung Hatta sendiri menganjurkan didirikannya tiga macam Koperasi. Pertama, adalah Koperasi konsumsi yang terutama melayani kebutuhan kaum buruh dan pegawai. Kedua, adalah Koperasi produksi yang merupakan wadah kaum petani (termasuk peternak atau nelayan). Ketiga, adalah Koperasi kredit yang melayani pedagang kecil dan pengusaha kecil guna memenuhi kebutuhan modal. Bung Hatta juga menganjurkan pengorganisasian industri kecil dan Koperasi produksi, guna memenuhi kebutuhan bahan baku dan pemasaran hasil.
Menurut Bung Hatta, tujuan Koperasi bukanlah mencari laba yang sebesar-besarnya, melainkan melayani kebutuhan bersama dan wadah partisipasi pelaku ekonomi skala kecil. Tapi, ini tidak berarti, bahwa Koperasi itu identik dengan usaha skala kecil. Koperasi bisa pula membangun usaha skala besar berdasarkan modal yang bisa dikumpulkan dari anggotanya, baik anggota Koperasi primer maupun anggota Koperasi sekunder. Contohnya adalah industri tekstil yang dibangun oleh GKBI (Gabungan Koperasi Batik Indonesia) dan berbagai Koperasi batik primer.Karena kedudukannya yang cukup kuat dalam konstitusi, maka tidak sebuah pemerintahpun berani meninggalkan kebijakan dan program pembinaan Koperasi.
Semua partai politik, dari dulu hingga kini, dari Masyumi hingga PKI, mencantumkan Koperasi sebagai program utama. Hanya saja kantor menteri negara dan departemen Koperasi baru lahir di masa Orde Baru pada akhir dasarwarsa 1970-an. Karena itu, gagasan sekarang untuk menghapuskan departemen Koperasi dan pembinaan usaha kecil dan menengah, bukan hal yang mengejutkan, karena sebelum Orde Baru tidak dikenal kantor menteri negara atau departemen Koperasi. Bahkan, kabinet-kabinet yang dipimpin oleh Bung Hatta sendiri pun tidak ada departemen atau menteri negara yang khusus membina Koperasi.

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

tugas bahasa inggris

english task
Nama            : wanda maulina ariani
Npm/ Kelas : 21207153/3EB13
Dosen            : HADI PRASOJO
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 1
millan, 09 oktober 2009

Dear sir,
Here is the result after investigated of Albany company’s background. As far as I can see Albany unlikely to be taken over. At present there is no need for concern their’s family. I can assure you they do not appear short of capital. No reason why you cannot continue trading. If I hear anything to the contrary I will contract you.

Yours Faithfully

tugas bahasa inggris

Nama : wanda maulina ariani
NPM / Kelas : 21207153 / 3 Eb13
Dosen : Bp.Hadi Prasojo
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

English task page 15
B3 Describing a location

1. The irish cotton mill is in Wexford. It is situated in an area which is scheduled for light industry, 112 km south of Dublin and 32 km east of Waterford.
2.The Kenyan safari park is in Kitale. It is situated in an area which is scheduled for conservation, 320 km north of Nairobi and 120 km east of Kisumu.
3.The Norwaygian hotel is in Alesund. It is situated in an area which is scheduled for tourism, 200 km of south Trondheim and 320 km west of Oslo.
4.The Scottish sports complex is in Aviemore. It is situated in an area which is scheduled for cultural activities, 175 km north of Glasgow and 48 km south of Inverness.
5.The Japanese steel factory is in Nagoya. It is situated in an area which is scheduled for heavy industry, 180 km east of Osaka and 200 km west of Tokyo.
6.The Spanish art gallery is in Cordoba. It is situated in an area which is scheduled for leisure and recreation, 200 km north of Malaga and 150 km east of Seville.
7.The Turkish warehouse is in Izmir. It is situated in an area which is scheduled for general industrial use, 500 km south of Istanbul and 750 km west of Ankara.
8.The Canadian nature park is in Dog Creek. It is situated in an area which is scheduled for preservation, 400 km north of Vancouver and 150 km east of Saskatchewan.

tugas bahasa inggris

Nama : wanda maulina ariani
NPM / Kelas : 21207153 / 3 Eb13
Dosen : Bp.Hadi Prasojo
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

English task page 13
A3 Practise making an enquiry and booking accommodation

Dear Sir,
I would like to reserve a conference room for the dates are from August 18th until 26th.
I need a large room as there are 30 people attending the conference and I need to have electric sockets for an overhead projector and a screen.
Could you please confirm that there will be buffet facilities ?

Yours faithfully.

tugas bahasa inggris

English task page 13
B1 Active and Passive Voice

1. You have not paid your bill.
i. Your bill has not been paid.
2. I will pick him up at 07.00 am
ii. He will be picked up at 07.00 hrs.
3. The board did not show any immediate interest.
iii. No immediate interest was shown by the board.
4. We cannot find any record of this account.
iv. No record of this account can be found.
5. We will have to make salary cuts and shorten holidays.
v. Salary cuts will have to be made and holidays shortened.
6. We have made a mistake and incurred a loss.
vi. A mistake has been made and a loss incurred.
7. You have overdrawn your account to the extent of £187.
We have made arrangements to have a statement forwarded to you so that your exact position can be checked.
vii. Your account has been overdrawn to the extent of £ 187.
Arrangements have been made to have a statement forwarded to you so that your exact position can be checked.

Nama : wanda maulina ariani
NPM / Kelas : 21207153 / 3 Eb13
Dosen : Bp.Hadi Prasojo
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

tugas bahasa inggris

Nama : wanda maulina ariani
NPM / Kelas : 21207153 / 3 Eb13
Dosen : Bp.Hadi Prasojo
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

English task page 13
B1 Active and Passive Voice

1. You have not paid your bill.
2. I will pick him up at 07.00 am
3. The board did not show any immediate interest.
4. No record of this account can be found.
5. We will have to make salary cuts and shorten holidays.
6. A mistake has been made and a loss incurred.
7. You have overdrawn your account to the extent of £187.
We have made arrangements to have a statement forwarded to you so that your exact position can be checked.